2024 Tainan Citizen Package

Availability :2024/01/12~2024/01/14 The special offer is expired


  • 兩人成行住宿乙晚,不含翌日早餐
  • 入住即升等小西門套房(請直接預訂欲升等房型)
  • 此專案為台南市民專屬優惠,辦理入住須出示相關證件(身分證D、R開頭或是戶籍地為台南市)
  • 本專案無法與其他優惠活動合併使用
  • 此優惠不適用於台南晶英酒店 - 『點十成晶』常客積點計劃

🚄   即日起至2024/03/31,住房加購高鐵票享7折起優惠,高鐵疏運期(2024/01/12~1/15、2024/02/06~02/15)不適用,雙人台北-台南來回最高省1,620元起。

🎨      |《臺南400》系列導覽

2024年迎來臺南400年,城市裡貫穿百年的歷史建築、人文故事及獨特自然美景,交織出府城豐沛而迷人的文化風采,下午4:00至6:00,由專業導覽人員透過風格異趣的小旅行路線,帶領大家認識老城市的多元樣貌。(房客專屬優惠,請於訂單"+加購項目"報名參加 )


📢      數位展示知識平台:鯤首之城-17世紀的熱蘭遮堡壘、市鎮與市民




  • Pick up a free “Tainan City Guide Map” at the front desk to enjoy exclusive discounts and benefits as you explore the ancient capital.
  • Complimentary welcome fruit and minibar are included.
  • Kids can stay free under the age of 11; above the age of 12 will be considered adults.
  • Kids are welcome to join activities at 4F Kid’s Club.
  • Check-in time is 16:00 / Check-out time is 12:00 at noon.
  • Request a room with a certain view or on a higher floor is subject to availability, an additional charge (NT$550/night) will apply.
  • For more information about Silks Place Tainan, please visit our website.

Please select a room type

Junior Suite King

Traditional Chinese styles merge with modern designs. The Junior Suite is equipped with a trendy daybed, while a divided bedroom and living room allow you to maintain your privacy when you are resting or when friends drop by.

Junior Family Suite King

Fusing Japanese Zen and modern designs, Minnan elements can also be found in the guest room’s details. Hardwood flooring throughout the room paints a clean-cut, resort-like ambiance. Translucent dividers skillfully separate the bedroom and the living room, allowing your family to truly enjoy the lavish space.

Junior Suite Family Queen

Traditional Chinese styles merge with modern designs. The Junior Suite is equipped with a trendy daybed, while a divided bedroom and living room allow you to maintain your privacy when you are resting or when friends drop by. Translucent dividers skillfully separate the bedroom and the living room, allowing your family to truly enjoy the lavish space.