2024 BMW Test Drive Package-320i

Availability :2024/10/14~2025/01/23

  • 依選擇房型入住乙晚
  • 含翌日早餐2客 
  • 入住期間享有BMW車款自駕體驗(車輛款式依飯店提供為準),使用時段:入住當日14:00至隔日中午12:00前(若超時歸還,每小時需酌收$1000)
  • 每房加贈晶英貴賓廊Happy Hour 兩客,使用時段為20:00至22:00
  • 專案為官網限定,每日限量且需3天前預訂(專案提供90天內之訂房)
  • 本專案無法與其他優惠活動合併使用
  • 本專案適用於台南晶英常客積點計畫-『點十成晶』
  • 台南晶英酒店保有最終修改、變更、專案內容解釋及取消本專案之權利

🚄      官網訂房加購高鐵車票享平日78折、假日及疏運期間85折!雙人台北-台南來回最高省1200元起


  • 專案提供車輛乙式車體險及乘客險
  • BMW車款自駕體驗,飯店提供加滿油量之車輛,請於車輛歸還前加滿油量
  • 車輛僅提供飯店取車與點交;試駕車型及相關須知以現場說明為主,為確認駕駛者瞭解駕車規範與權益,需完成車輛點交與簽署『試乘試駕協議書』,並完成『滿意度問券』
  • 駕駛者須滿20歲且持中華民國駕照,恕無法提供持國際駕照或其他駕照者使用
  • 駕駛者辦理入住時須提供影本留存,未攜帶駕照者恕無法提供專案內容,將於現場調整為其他住房專案
  • 試駕試乘範圍僅限台南市且每日里程數限於150公里內

🌳     為提倡永續環保理念,自2024年7月1日起,飯店將不再主動提供一次性備品,如有需求可與櫃檯聯繫索取。

🎨      |《臺南400》系列導覽

2024年迎來臺南400年,城市裡貫穿百年的歷史建築、人文故事及獨特自然美景,交織出府城豐沛而迷人的文化風采,下午4:00至6:00,由專業導覽人員透過風格異趣的小旅行路線,帶領大家認識老城市的多元樣貌。(房客專屬優惠,請於訂單"+加購項目"報名參加 )

📢      數位展示知識平台:鯤首之城-17世紀的熱蘭遮堡壘、市鎮與市民


  • Pick up a free “Tainan City Guide Map” at the front desk to enjoy exclusive discounts and benefits as you explore the ancient capital.
  • Complimentary welcome fruit and minibar are included.
  • Kids can stay free under the age of 6-11 and do not occupy a bed; above the age of 12 will be considered adults.
  • Kids are welcome to join activities at 4F Kid’s Club.
  • Check-in time is 16:00 / Check-out time is 12:00 at noon.
  • Request a room with a certain view or on a higher floor is subject to availability, an additional charge (NT$550/night) will apply.
  • For more information about Silks Place Tainan, please visit our website.

🚄 For hotel stays between 6/2 to 12/31, you can enjoy 30% off the HSR when you book your ticket and room via our official website. (9/28~10/2、10/6~10/11、12/29~12/31 are excluded)

Please select a room type

Junior Suite King

Traditional Chinese styles merge with modern designs. The Junior Suite is equipped with a trendy daybed, while a divided bedroom and living room allow you to maintain your privacy when you are resting or when friends drop by.

TWD 7,999 and up (Including 10% service charge)

Junior Family Suite King

Fusing Japanese Zen and modern designs, Minnan elements can also be found in the guest room’s details. Hardwood flooring throughout the room paints a clean-cut, resort-like ambiance. Translucent dividers skillfully separate the bedroom and the living room, allowing your family to truly enjoy the lavish space.

TWD 7,999 and up (Including 10% service charge)