2024 Wellness Tour in Silks Place Tainan

Availability :2024/08/08~2024/12/26 (Not yet on sale)

  • 16坪小西門家庭套房兩中床房型住宿乙晚
  • 兩人成行含翌日早餐
  • 每房加贈「健康適能體驗活動」2位,參加活動時建議佩戴可偵測心率及血氧功能之手錶
    • 年齡限制:16歲以上
    • 活動時間:入住當日16:30-18:00
    • 集合地點:飯店4樓
    • 導覽與健康檢查(約20分鐘)
    • 骨骼平衡檢查和伸展運動(約20分鐘)
    • 輕鬆使用繩索進行運動(約20分鐘)
    • 在酒店健身房進行有效運動(約30分鐘)
    • 休息、回顧和飲食指導 (約15分鐘)
  • 專案為官網限定,須於7天前訂房
  • 專案適用兩人成行,第三位成人起每人每晚須加價2200元(含早餐及健康體適能檢測活動);6-11歲兒童每人每晚須加價363元(含早餐,不含健康體適能檢測活動)
  • 本專案無法與其他優惠活動合併使用
  • 本專案不適用於台南晶英常客積點計畫-『點十成晶』

🚄  自7/1起搭乘,官網訂房加購高鐵車票享78折起優惠,雙人台北-台南來回最高省1,200元起。

🌳      為提倡永續環保理念,自2024年7月1日起,飯店將不再主動提供一次性備品,如有需求可與櫃檯聯繫索取。

🎨      |《臺南400》系列導覽

  • Pick up a free “Tainan City Guide Map” at the front desk to enjoy exclusive discounts and benefits as you explore the ancient capital.
  • Complimentary welcome fruit and minibar are included.
  • Kids can stay free under the age of 6-11 and do not occupy a bed; above the age of 12 will be considered adults.
  • Kids are welcome to join activities at 4F Kid’s Club.
  • Check-in time is 16:00 / Check-out time is 12:00 at noon.
  • Request a room with a certain view or on a higher floor is subject to availability, an additional charge (NT$550/night) will apply.
  • For more information about Silks Place Tainan, please visit our website.

Please select a room type

Junior Suite Family Queen

Traditional Chinese styles merge with modern designs. The Junior Suite is equipped with a trendy daybed, while a divided bedroom and living room allow you to maintain your privacy when you are resting or when friends drop by. Translucent dividers skillfully separate the bedroom and the living room, allowing your family to truly enjoy the lavish space.

TWD 9,999 and up (Including 10% service charge)