2025 Lunar New Year Early Bird Exclusive Offer (Breakfast included)

Availability :2025/01/28~2025/01/31

  • 依選擇房型住宿乙晚。
  • 依付費人數含翌日早餐,用餐時間06:30-10:30。
  • 不分房型,每房每晚加贈虎山館獨家好禮收納袋乙組。
  • 沙發床加床 (適用房型:鼓悅客房、鼓得家庭客房與鼓城家庭套房),每房每晚加價$1,200+10% (含沙發床加床及早餐乙客),每房至多加乙床。
  • 新春期間由於人潮眾多,特殊需求需視入住當日狀況而定,恕無法保證,如房間安排 (樓層、面向和陽台等) 或嬰兒床備品等。
  • 【高鐵飯店聯票公告】官網訂房加購高鐵車票享平日78折、假日及疏運期間85折優惠,雙人台北-台南來回最高省1,200元起。
  • 本專案無法與其他優惠活動合併使用。
  • 捷絲旅台南虎山館保有最終修改、變更、專案內容解釋及取消本專案之權利。

     🌏 邀請您一起環保愛地球!


  • 入住時間16:00,退房時間12:00。
  • 兒童定義為6-11歲不佔床,若兒童佔床則視同成人收費。
  • 指定景觀面向、陽台或是高樓層之客房需求,每房每晚需加價330元且需視當日房況而定 (2025/01/28~2025/01/31期間不適用)。
  • 其他酒店資訊,如美食饗宴、休閒設施...請參考官網
  • 未滿18歲者無法單獨住宿,若經查獲飯店可拒絕入住,訂金恕不退還,敬請於入住前確認入住者中至少一位需為年滿18歲住房者。
  • 飯店全館禁菸及禁止寵物進入客房、公共空間。若發現攜帶寵物進房,除酌收當日房租為清潔消毒費用,亦需立即請寵物離開客房,敬請理解與配合。
  • 2024/01/01起,將不提供一次性備品(牙刷、牙膏、刮鬍刀、刮鬍膏、梳子及浴帽等),邀請旅人自備個人盥洗用具,減少環境污染!如有需求,請至櫃檯索取,感謝您與我們一同實踐永續旅遊。

Please select a room type

Superior Room

Bottled water / Coffee / Teabags / TV / IDD telephone / Fridge / Bidet / Hair dryer


Extra bed and Crib is not available in this room type

TWD 7,480 and up (Including 10% service charge)

Superior Twin

Bottled water / Coffee / Teabags / TV / IDD telephone / Fridge / Bidet / Hair dryer


・Twin sleeper sofa is available in this room type

・Crib is not available in this room type

TWD 7,480 and up (Including 10% service charge)

Superior Quadruple

Bottled water / Coffee / Teabags / TV / IDD telephone / Fridge / Bidet / Hair dryer


・Extra bed and Crib is not available in this room type

TWD 10,450 and up (Including 10% service charge)

Deluxe Family King Room

Bottled water / Coffee / Teabags / TV / IDD telephone / Fridge / Bidet / Hair dryer


・Extra bed is not available in this room type

・Crib is available upon request (limited quantity)

TWD 10,560 and up (Including 10% service charge)

Deluxe Family Queen Room

Bottled water / Coffee / Teabags / TV / IDD telephone / Fridge / Bidet / Hair dryer


・Extra bed is not available in this room type

・Crib is available upon request (limited quantity)

TWD 10,560 and up (Including 10% service charge)

Grand Deluxe Family Room

Bottled water / Coffee / Teabags / TV / IDD telephone / Fridge / Bidet / Hair dryer


・Twin sleeper sofa is available in this room type

・Crib is available upon request (limited quantity)

TWD 11,660 and up (Including 10% service charge)

Grand Deluxe Family Suite

Bottled water / Coffee / Teabags / TV / IDD telephone / Fridge / Bidet / Hair dryer


・Twin sleeper sofa is available in this room type

・Crib is available upon request (limited quantity)

TWD 12,210 and up (Including 10% service charge)

Harvest Suite

Bottled water / Coffee / Teabags / TV / IDD telephone / Fridge / Bidet / Bathtub / Hair dryer


・This room type is a terrace suite with living room

・Extra bed is not available in this room type

・Crib is available upon request (limited quantity)

TWD 12,980 and up (Including 10% service charge)