2025 Taishin Mercedes-Benz Promotion



  • 16坪小西門套房一大床或兩中床住宿乙晚
  • 兩人成行含翌日早餐
  • 每房加贈Robin's 牛排館 - 美國自然牛板腱套餐2客
    • 套餐包含自助沙拉吧
    • 若不吃牛,主餐可更換法國紅標薩索雞,如有需求請於備註欄位備註,現場亦可加價更換主餐
    • 專案加贈前菜一道或新鮮果汁兩杯,請於用餐現場二擇一
  • 專案適用兩人成行,第三位成人起每人每晚需加價2,490元(含早餐及美國自然牛板腱套餐乙客)
  • 專案限平日(週一至週四)適用 ; 週五、週六、週日、國定例假日及連續假期不適用
  • 專案須提前5天前預訂

🚄   【高鐵飯店聯票】官網訂房加購高鐵車票享7折起優惠,雙人台北-台南來回最高省1,620元起。另可抽晶華旗下豪華酒店住宿券。活動網頁
🌳     配合政府公告,飯店將全面停止供應一次性備品


  1. 每卡每日限訂2間,惟持卡本人需為入住房客之一,並以台新銀行Mercedes-Benz信用卡消費始享優惠。如需更改或取消訂房,需依訂房定型化契約收費。加人加床費用,依飯店規定處理。
  2. 優惠不得折抵現金、退款或轉讓;本專案亦不得與其他優惠、其他信用卡專屬優惠、住宿券、專案合併使用;不得累計飯店推行之常客積點計畫;不適用於政府補助振興方案系列優惠;亦不適用團體或旅行社訂房。
  3. 未盡事宜依飯店公告為準,台南晶英酒店保留活動修改、變更及終止之權利。
  4. 需預先訂房(無法接受現場訂房)並於辦理入住時主動告知使用台新銀行Mercedes-Benz信用卡優惠專案,且限本人刷卡消費支付全額方能享有優惠。若未持該卡(即持卡者本人結帳)將改為現場專案價。
  5. 本優惠方案需使用台新銀行Mercedes-Benz信用卡實體卡刷卡結帳;其他多元支付如:LINE Pay、Apple Pay、Samsung Pay、台灣Pay、街口支付…等,一概不適用。
  6. 訂房專線:06-390-3000
  • Pick up a free “Tainan City Guide Map” at the front desk to enjoy exclusive discounts and benefits as you explore the ancient capital.
  • Complimentary welcome fruit and minibar are included.
  • Kids can stay free under the age of 6-11 and do not occupy a bed; above the age of 12 will be considered adults.
  • Kids are welcome to join activities at 4F Kid’s Club.
  • Check-in time is 16:00 / Check-out time is 12:00 at noon.
  • Request a room with a certain view or on a higher floor is subject to availability, an additional charge (NT$550/night) will apply.
  • For more information about Silks Place Tainan, please visit our website.

Please select a room type

Junior Suite King

Traditional Chinese styles merge with modern designs. The Junior Suite is equipped with a trendy daybed, while a divided bedroom and living room allow you to maintain your privacy when you are resting or when friends drop by.

TWD 7,999 and up (Including 10% service charge)

Junior Suite Family Queen

Traditional Chinese styles merge with modern designs. The Junior Suite is equipped with a trendy daybed, while a divided bedroom and living room allow you to maintain your privacy when you are resting or when friends drop by. Translucent dividers skillfully separate the bedroom and the living room, allowing your family to truly enjoy the lavish space.

TWD 7,999 and up (Including 10% service charge)