Mommy Package

Availability :2020/03/24~2020/05/31 The special offer is expired

●此專案於5月8-10日3天,加贈蘇澳冷泉半日遊 13:00-17:30,請於3日前預約,人數上限12位。
●此專案於5月8-10日3天,加贈6吋母親節蛋糕 (提拉米蘇蛋糕,口味視現場而訂)。
​●平日定義:週日~週五 / 假日定義:週六
​●專案價格為住宿含自助式早餐(依房型提供)。早餐開放時間: 07:00-11:00。

  1. 免費使用休閒設施:RF瀧月休憩區、凝星星空電影院、捷絲旅礁溪館B1大浴場、1F澐 露天風呂及2F兒童遊藝空間。
  2. 免費享用迎賓茶點(每日13:00~22:00)。
  3. 官網訂房專屬Happy Hour酒精飲品無限暢飲(每日17:00~18:00)。
  4. 免費參加捷絲旅礁溪館每日館內活動(活動資訊 詳情請洽櫃檯);晶泉丰旅季節活動以官網公布之內容為主。
  5. 提供礁溪轉運站定時定點免費接駁服務,須於入住一天前預約,預約專線:03-910-0000。
  6. 此專案不得與其他優惠並用。
  7. 本專案銷售:僅限官網或電話訂房,需於入住前預訂,不得現場更改專案。
  8. 旅行社散客/團體均不適用。
  9. 訂金及取消相關規定依據消費者保護法規處理。

Please select a room type

Family Twin

The room is about 40 square meters, with two queen beds (152x188cm*2)

Number of guests: 4 guests

(Children aged 7-12 will be charged according to the hotel regulations. 13 years old or older (including) Please select the number of adults, which are denominated by adults)

Corner Suite

The room is about 66 square meters, with two king size beds (152x188cm*2)

Number of guests: 4 guests

(Children aged 7-12 will be charged according to the hotel regulations. 13 years old or older (including) Please select the number of adults, which are denominated by adults)