Best Available Rate with Breakfast and Dinner

Availability :2020/12/01~2020/12/15 The special offer is expired

◆『Mihan 三燔礁溪』- 龍蝦海陸火鍋套餐 (依房型人數提供 - 二人起鍋);用餐時間:17:30~19:00或19:30~21:00。
◆獨家贈送:日本超夯資生堂 ELIXIR怡麗絲爾輕旅行保養組/每房乙組(限量40份,贈完為止)。
◆2020冬戀蘭陽溫泉季活動攻略電子書下載(附上連結 2020冬戀蘭陽溫泉季 (

* 優惠已折抵於房價內。
* 本活動專案僅限於透過官方網路預訂,並需於入住前預訂,恕不接受入住時現場更改專案。
* 此專案不得與其他優惠並用。
* 免費使用休閒設施:RF瀧月休憩區、凝星星空電影院、捷絲旅礁溪館B1大浴場、1F澐 露天風呂及2F兒童遊藝空間。
* 免費享用迎賓茶點(每日13:00~22:00)
  官網訂房專屬Happy Hour酒精飲品(每日17:00~18:00)。
* 提供礁溪轉運站定時定點免費接駁服務,須於入住一天前預約,預約專線:03-910-0000。
* 本專案適用振興三倍券 

Please select a room type

Superior King

The room is about 33 square meters, with one king bed (210x188cm)

Number of guests: 2 guests

(Children aged 7-12 will be charged according to the hotel regulations. 13 years old or older (including) Please select the number of adults, which are denominated by adults)

Superior Twin

The room is about 33 square meters, with two sigle beds (105x188cm*2)

Number of guests: 2 guests

(Children aged 7-12 will be charged according to the hotel regulations. 13 years old or older (including) Please select the number of adults, which are denominated by adults)

Family Twin

The room is about 40 square meters, with two queen beds (152x188cm*2)

Number of guests: 4 guests

(Children aged 7-12 will be charged according to the hotel regulations. 13 years old or older (including) Please select the number of adults, which are denominated by adults)

Hollywood Suite (King)

The room is about 40 square meters, with one king bed (240x188cm)

Number of guests: 2 guests

(Children aged 7-12 will be charged according to the hotel regulations. 13 years old or older (including) Please select the number of adults, which are denominated by adults)

Hollywood Family Suite (Queen Bed*2)

The room is about 40 square meters, with two queen beds (140x188cm*2)

Number of guests: 4 guests

(Children aged 7-12 will be charged according to the hotel regulations. 13 years old or older (including) Please select the number of adults, which are denominated by adults)