Deluxe & Corner Suite Annual Promotion


音韻尊榮。套房獨享 ➤ 住套房享優惠

✨【樂】Happy Hour酒精飲品無限暢飲(週一~週四17:00 -18:30;週五~週日 17:00 -19:00)


  1. 房價已包含每房每晚服務費及稅金。
  2. 入住時間:入住日下午15:00以後|退房時間為退房日上午11:00以前。
  3. 休閒設施免費使用:
    (1) RF瀧月休憩區、凝星星空電影院、2F泉咏 Gallery、11F魔鏡健身暨瑜珈伸展室(提供瑜珈墊/瑜珈滾桶/瑜珈磚)
    (2) 捷絲旅礁溪館B1大浴場、1F澐 露天風呂、2F傳統遊藝間及奶奶的文具店、自助洗衣烘衣。
  4. 免費提供6歲(含)以下孩童浴衣/拖鞋。
  5. 免費提供嬰兒床、嬰兒床圍、奶瓶消毒鍋、嬰兒澡盆(含椅凳) (備品有限,敬請訂房時備註告知)。
  6. 全館免費無線Wi-Fi、電視數位影音串流。
  7. 訂房加購高鐵車票可享平日(週一~週四)78折、假日(週五~週日及高鐵公告疏運期)85折優惠。

Please select a room type

Deluxe Suite

The room is about 53 square meters, with one king bed (210x188cm)

Number of guests: 2 guests

(Children aged 7-12 will be charged according to the hotel regulations. 13 years old or older (including) Please select the number of adults, which are denominated by adults)

TWD 7,416 and up Including tax and service charge

Corner Suite

The room is about 66 square meters, with two king size beds (152x188cm*2)

Number of guests: 4 guests

(Children aged 7-12 will be charged according to the hotel regulations. 13 years old or older (including) Please select the number of adults, which are denominated by adults)

TWD 8,814 and up Including tax and service charge