WS 2024 Jan-Mar Tea Rhythm Micro Journe

Availability :2024/01/08~2024/03/29 (The sale has ended)



1. 販售日期:2024.01.08 – 2024.03.29

2. 住宿日期:2024.01.08 – 2024.03.29

3. 不適用日:2024.02.09 - 02.13

4. 專案內容:

  • 【朝食】翌日三燔輕日式早餐
  • 【秘趣】依房型人數贈送 蘭陽五代製茶〈珍韻Jhentea〉茶韻微旅
  • 「手沖茶DIY體驗:阿里山紅茶、阿里山烏龍茶、四季春烏龍茶、四季春玫瑰花茶」任選一茶種 & 茶葉衝浪餅乙包」平假日兌換券,每人乙份。
  • * 兌換期間異動說明:
  • 【手作】優惠加購館內DIY活動〈苔球植栽〉


1. 入住本專案房客憑兌換券至〈珍韻Jhentea〉可享「手沖茶DIY體驗+茶葉衝浪餅乙包」。

2. 依房型每人贈送一份,即雙人房贈送兩份,四人房贈送四份,房客若想額外加購,可於櫃檯現場額外加購每張300元(含稅)。

3. 非專案房客亦可以每張300元(含稅)價格向櫃檯購買,並至少於一天前致電櫃檯報名,入住當天至現場以現金繳費。

4. 本體驗活動開放至2024年4月30日止,平假日(週三公休)可前往〈珍韻Jhentea〉參與DIY體驗,如遇公休及營業日或營業時間異動,依官網及官方粉絲團公告為準。
* 兌換期間異動說明:

5. 本專案每房皆依房型人數提供翌日三燔礁溪輕日式自助早餐(供應時間: 07:00-11:00)。

6. 休閒設施免費使用:

      (1) RF瀧月休憩區、凝星星空電影院、2F泉咏 Gallery、11F魔鏡健身暨瑜珈伸展室(提供瑜珈墊/瑜珈滾桶/瑜珈磚)。

      (2) 捷絲旅礁溪館B1大浴場、1F澐 露天風呂、2F傳統遊藝間及奶奶的文具店。

7. 免費無限享用迎賓茶點(每日13:00-22:00)。

8. Happy Hour酒精飲品無限暢飲(週一~週四17:00 -18:30;週五~週日 17:00 -19:00)。

9. 免費提供嬰兒床圍、奶瓶消毒鍋、嬰兒澡盆(敬請訂房時備註告知)。

10. 全館無線免費Wi-Fi、24小時免費自助脫水機、住房貴賓享免費停車。

13. 免費提供礁溪轉運站和礁溪火車站定時定點接駁服務,須於入住一天前預約,預約專線:(03) 910-0000。

14. 捷絲旅礁溪館提供每日館內活動,詳情請洽櫃台;晶泉丰旅季節活動以官網公布之內容為主。

15. 以上房價已包含每房每晚10%服務費及5%稅金。

16. 加購高鐵車票,享8折起優惠!(高鐵疏運期不適用。)

17. 響應政府環保減塑愛地球!2023.07.01起,將不提供一次性備品(牙刷、牙膏、刮鬍刀、刮鬍膏、梳子及浴帽等),邀請旅人自備個人盥洗用具,減少環境污染!如需使用一次性備品,請聯繫櫃台索取,感謝您與我們一同實踐永續旅遊。


1. 活動時間:


〈珍韻Jhentea〉於2024.3.7 – 3.19期間休館,特將「手沖茶DIY體驗」兌換時間延長至2024.4.30,皆可預約並憑券至宜蘭中興文化創意園區〈珍韻Jhentea〉使用。

2. 兌換券內容:〈珍韻Jhentea〉手沖茶DIY體驗:阿里山紅茶、阿里山烏龍茶、四季春烏龍茶、四季春玫瑰花茶」任選一茶種 &  茶葉衝浪餅乙包

3. 兌換期間:即日起至2024年4月30日,逾期作廢。



4. 本券須加蓋本公司特定印章,始生效力,並不得與其他優惠方案合併使用。

5. 若因不可抗力因素致無法提供服務,本公司得隨時變更或終止本活動。

6. 本券係無償使用之兌換券,不受禮券定型化契約之規範。

7. 憑券消費,概不掛失、找零及兌現,經毀損致無法辨識或塗改者無效。

8. 品茗地點:〈珍韻Jhentea〉宜蘭縣五結鄉中正路二段6之8號

   ●中興文化創意園區 興工一場 隆元茶莊-珍韻

   ●營業時間:10:00 – 18:00 (周三公休)  客服專線:0958-591-759

1. 本活動專案僅限於透過官方網路預訂。

2. 本專案適用愛旅行回饋計畫。

3. 本專案不得與其它優惠合併使用。

4. 訂金及取消相關規定依據消費者保護法規處理。

5. 礁溪晶泉丰旅擁有活動調整與解釋之權益。

Please select a room type

Superior King

The room is about 33 square meters, with one king bed (210x188cm)

Number of guests: 2 guests

(Children aged 7-12 will be charged according to the hotel regulations. 13 years old or older (including) Please select the number of adults, which are denominated by adults)

Superior Twin

The room is about 33 square meters, with two sigle beds (105x188cm*2)

Number of guests: 2 guests

(Children aged 7-12 will be charged according to the hotel regulations. 13 years old or older (including) Please select the number of adults, which are denominated by adults)

Family Twin

The room is about 40 square meters, with two queen beds (152x188cm*2)

Number of guests: 4 guests

(Children aged 7-12 will be charged according to the hotel regulations. 13 years old or older (including) Please select the number of adults, which are denominated by adults)

Hollywood Suite (King)

The room is about 40 square meters, with one king bed (240x188cm)

Number of guests: 2 guests

(Children aged 7-12 will be charged according to the hotel regulations. 13 years old or older (including) Please select the number of adults, which are denominated by adults)

Hollywood Family Suite (Queen Bed*2)

The room is about 40 square meters, with two queen beds (140x188cm*2)

Number of guests: 4 guests

(Children aged 7-12 will be charged according to the hotel regulations. 13 years old or older (including) Please select the number of adults, which are denominated by adults)

Deluxe Suite

The room is about 53 square meters, with one king bed (210x188cm)

Number of guests: 2 guests

(Children aged 7-12 will be charged according to the hotel regulations. 13 years old or older (including) Please select the number of adults, which are denominated by adults)

Corner Suite

The room is about 66 square meters, with two king size beds (152x188cm*2)

Number of guests: 4 guests

(Children aged 7-12 will be charged according to the hotel regulations. 13 years old or older (including) Please select the number of adults, which are denominated by adults)