Coporate Annual Promotion (corpsm05) 20%OFF

Availability :2023/01/02~2024/12/29

✤訂房日期:2023年1月2日 至 2024年12月29日止  
✤住宿日期:2023年1月2日 至 2024年12月29日止
【晶泉丰旅 x 年度合約公司福委優惠-假日】(2023/11月週六、2023/12月週五-週日、2023/12/24-12/29、2024年週六)請透過此連結預訂
【晶泉丰旅 x 年度合約公司福委優惠-大假日】(2024/4/4~4/6、2024/6/8~6/9)請透過此連結預訂
✤本優惠專案價格僅適用於企業郵件訂房或飯店企業專屬網頁訂房,飯店官網訂房時請於 備註欄位填入『公司名稱』,入住時需於現場出示員工證或名片,如無提供,房價則以當日官網”輕鬆渡假趣”專案價格計費,並飯店保有活動細節之解釋說明權。
✤若有8間以上之員工旅遊/團體活動需求請另洽業務窗口 : 林思汝 Sunny Lin 業務副理02-7735-5008*8381 / 0989-832663 

自8/31起,加購10-12月高鐵車票享7折起,高鐵疏運期不適用 (高鐵疏運期:中秋10/1~10/2、國慶10/6~10/11、元旦12/29~12/31)




  1. 翌日三燔礁溪輕日式自助早餐(供應時間:07:00-11:00)
  2. 飯店入住時間為PM 15:00之後。退房時間則為AM 11:00。
  3. 無限享用迎賓茶點(每日13:00-22:00)
  4. Happy Hour酒精飲品無限暢飲(週一~週四17:00-18:30);(週五~週日 17:00 - 19:00)。
  5. 休閒設施免費使用:RF瀧月休憩區、凝星星空電影院、2F泉咏 Gallery、11F魔鏡健身暨瑜珈伸展室,提供:瑜珈墊/瑜珈滾桶/瑜珈磚。捷絲旅礁溪館B1大浴場、1F澐 露天風呂、2F傳統遊藝間及奶奶的文具店、9樓Just Fun & Just Young。
  6. 24小時免費自助脫水機。
  7. 全館無線免費WiFi。
  8. 免費提供孩童6歲含以下備品: 拖鞋/浴衣/沐浴用品(敬請訂房告知)。
  9. 免費提供嬰兒床圍、奶瓶消毒鍋、嬰兒澡盆(敬請訂房告知)。
  10. 參加每日館內活動以官網公布之內容為主(活動資訊 詳情請洽櫃檯);捷絲旅礁溪館每日館內活動(活動資訊 詳情請洽櫃檯)。
  11. 訂金及取消相關規定依據消費者保護法規處理。
  12. 以上房價均已含10%服務費及5%稅金。
  13. 此專案不得與其他優惠並用。
  14. 本專案優惠適用愛旅行回饋計畫。
  15. 優惠價格數量有限售完為止。

Please select a room type

Superior King

The room is about 33 square meters, with one king bed (210x188cm)

Number of guests: 2 guests

(Children aged 7-12 will be charged according to the hotel regulations. 13 years old or older (including) Please select the number of adults, which are denominated by adults)

TWD 4,640 and up Including tax and service charge

Superior Twin

The room is about 33 square meters, with two sigle beds (105x188cm*2)

Number of guests: 2 guests

(Children aged 7-12 will be charged according to the hotel regulations. 13 years old or older (including) Please select the number of adults, which are denominated by adults)

TWD 4,640 and up Including tax and service charge

Family Twin

The room is about 40 square meters, with two queen beds (152x188cm*2)

Number of guests: 4 guests

(Children aged 7-12 will be charged according to the hotel regulations. 13 years old or older (including) Please select the number of adults, which are denominated by adults)

TWD 7,840 and up Including tax and service charge

Hollywood Suite (King)

The room is about 40 square meters, with one king bed (240x188cm)

Number of guests: 2 guests

(Children aged 7-12 will be charged according to the hotel regulations. 13 years old or older (including) Please select the number of adults, which are denominated by adults)

TWD 5,600 and up Including tax and service charge

Hollywood Family Suite (Queen Bed*2)

The room is about 40 square meters, with two queen beds (140x188cm*2)

Number of guests: 4 guests

(Children aged 7-12 will be charged according to the hotel regulations. 13 years old or older (including) Please select the number of adults, which are denominated by adults)

TWD 7,440 and up Including tax and service charge