Winter Promotion Dinner

Availability :2022/12/01~2023/03/31 (The sale has ended)




專案期間:2022.11.21 - 2023.03.31

三天兩夜  (►加贈一次晚餐三燔龍蝦海陸雙主餐鍋物晚餐套餐(含前菜、主餐、食事、甜點)– 龍蝦為毎人半隻、二人起鍋)
【選物】每房贈送〈獺祭〉純米大吟釀45 乙瓶(300ML)(季節限量商品,如兌畢以等值商品提供)
【饗饌】三燔龍蝦海陸雙主餐鍋物晚餐套餐-二人起鍋 (►加贈一次晚餐三燔龍蝦海陸雙主餐鍋物晚餐套餐(含前菜、主餐、食事、甜點)– 龍蝦為毎人半隻、二人起鍋)
【逸景】優惠加購館內DIY活動〈精油舒壓浴鹽 或 乾燥花香氛蠟片〉
  • 優惠加購NT$150/人,請在加購項目登記,費用現場支付。
  • 『精油舒壓浴鹽』週一&週三&週五 16:00 ~ 17:00。
  • 『乾燥花香氛蠟片』週二&週四 16:00 ~ 17:00。
  •   館內DIY活動僅限週一至週五;週六及週日恕不提供。
1. 本專案不適用日期:連續假日2022.12.23-12.25、2022.12.30-12.31、2023.01.01-01.02、2023.01.19-01.29。
2. 館內DIY活動須於前一日向櫃台預約。
3. 翌日三燔礁溪輕日式自助早餐 (供應時間:07:00-11:00)。
4. 無限享用迎賓茶點 (每日13:00-22:00)。
5. Happy Hour酒精飲品無限暢飲(週一~週四17:00-18:30);(週五~週日17:00-19:00)。
6. 免費提供孩童6歲含以下備品:牙刷/牙膏/漱口杯/拖鞋/浴衣/沐浴用品。
7. 全館無線免費WIFI。
8. 住房貴賓享免費停車。
9. 免費提供礁溪轉運站和礁溪火車站定時定點接駁服務,須於入住一天前預約,預約專線:03-910-0000。(連續假日期間,恕不提供接駁服務。)
10. 入住時間為入住日下午15:00以後,退房時間為退房日上午11:00以前。
11. 以上房價已包含每房每晚10%服務費及5%稅金。
1. 地址:宜蘭縣壯圍鄉貓里霧罕橋路3號。
2. 電話:(03) 925-3517。
3. 營業時間:09:00〜17:00 (採預約制,請務必於訂房時選擇體驗時間)。參加體驗需自行前往集合地點。活動飯店僅協助預約,實際訂位狀況需視業者現場作業為主。


1. 本活動專案僅限於透過官方網路預訂。
2. 本專案適用愛旅行回饋計畫。
3. 若更改房型,則不享有此優惠價,請依其它相關專案售價處理。
4. 訂金及取消相關規定依據消費者保護法規處理。
5. 因應中央流行疫情指揮中心警戒標準,飯店設施、餐飲與服務提供方式,將依每日疫情變化,進行滾動式更新及調整,請參考飯店防疫相關措施。

Please select a room type

Superior King

The room is about 33 square meters, with one king bed (210x188cm)

Number of guests: 2 guests

(Children aged 7-12 will be charged according to the hotel regulations. 13 years old or older (including) Please select the number of adults, which are denominated by adults)

Superior Twin

The room is about 33 square meters, with two sigle beds (105x188cm*2)

Number of guests: 2 guests

(Children aged 7-12 will be charged according to the hotel regulations. 13 years old or older (including) Please select the number of adults, which are denominated by adults)

Family Twin

The room is about 40 square meters, with two queen beds (152x188cm*2)

Number of guests: 4 guests

(Children aged 7-12 will be charged according to the hotel regulations. 13 years old or older (including) Please select the number of adults, which are denominated by adults)

Hollywood Suite (King)

The room is about 40 square meters, with one king bed (240x188cm)

Number of guests: 2 guests

(Children aged 7-12 will be charged according to the hotel regulations. 13 years old or older (including) Please select the number of adults, which are denominated by adults)

Hollywood Family Suite (Queen Bed*2)

The room is about 40 square meters, with two queen beds (140x188cm*2)

Number of guests: 4 guests

(Children aged 7-12 will be charged according to the hotel regulations. 13 years old or older (including) Please select the number of adults, which are denominated by adults)

Deluxe Suite

The room is about 53 square meters, with one king bed (210x188cm)

Number of guests: 2 guests

(Children aged 7-12 will be charged according to the hotel regulations. 13 years old or older (including) Please select the number of adults, which are denominated by adults)

Corner Suite

The room is about 66 square meters, with two king size beds (152x188cm*2)

Number of guests: 4 guests

(Children aged 7-12 will be charged according to the hotel regulations. 13 years old or older (including) Please select the number of adults, which are denominated by adults)